ANTENATAL CARE:  A Preventive Healthcare

Pregnancy is a unique, exciting and often the most joyous time in a woman's’ life; it is one of the blessings from God acquired by the females. Now the question arises, what is the antenatal care? It is one of the pillars for safe motherhood of future mothers. In general you can relate the term with preventive health care at the time of pregnancy. It is also known as prenatal care. The aim of antenatal care is to provide regular check ups that allow doctors, nurses or midwives to treat and preserve potential healthcare throughout the course of nine months of pregnancy for healthy life style that is beneficial for both mother and the child.
Good antenatal care includes early screening which can detect and prevent complications such as hypertension and gestational diabetes, both of which can adversely affect the foetus. Early screening means regular monitoring and treatment. Now the question arises that what is the aim of antenatal care.
1.       To educate parents about parenting or simply preparing them for parenthood.
2.       To educate mothers’ about physiology of pregnancy and labour by illustrations, visual feedbacks, diagrams so that the fear can be eradicated or psychology can be prepared for healthy pregnancy.
3.       To ensure that pregnant women and their fetus are in the best possible health.

It is really sad that about 25% of maternal deaths occur during pregnancy. We should keep this thing in mind that caring for the new born starts with the caring of the pregnant mothers. Now if the pregnant women are in regular contact with skilled health personnel (Doctor, nurse or midwife) then it will be beneficial for the proper management of pregnancy. These may include variety of assistance such as prevention of eclampsia, tetanus immunisation, birth preparedness together with signs of dangers during child birth.
Antenatal care is an important measure for detecting fetal abnormalities at its earliest. One can start seeking treatments for the same thus reducing the danger of still births. Antenatal care includes various parameters such as physical check-ups, vital screenings and ultra sonography. Now the question arises how antenatal care is initiated.
1.       Enquiring patients’ details.

2.       Chief complaints with duration.
3.       Past history of pregnancy.
4.       Menstrual history
5.       Family history
6.       Drug history
7.       History of immunisation.

General findings can be screened while antenatal assessments such as anaemia, jaundice, oedema, cyanosis.

There are various important aspects of antenatal care and getting the right provider. It can go a long way to ensure pregnant moms to reap the best physical and mental benefits. We will further discuss a lot more about antenatal care and physical exercises in my next blog.

To be continued………………..


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