When to get admitted in the hospital if you are Covid-positive?


     When to get admitted in the hospital if you are Covid-positive?

The virus is deadly and is spreading too soon! With precautions being taken, there are still people who are falling sick. The Covid-19 Virus starts of mildly and within no time, amplifies!

Once tested positive, doctors suggest home-isolation. However, the question that prevails is when to get admitted in the hospital? The answer to this depends on the symptoms. To begin with, you must know what the early warning signs of this deadly virus are and how they must be dealt with. Staying at home is indeed imperative. Social distancing is unavoidable. Remember to cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or carefully cough into your elbow. Also, sanitize and wash your hands regularly.

But, what is important is that how can you tell if that cough or sneeze is something to worry about?

The symptoms of corona virus are many-a-time similar to that of a normal cold or a viral. However, you must be aware of the warning signs and when you must call your doctor.

The most common symptoms of Covid:

The most common symptoms include cold and cough and a shortness of breath. Some might face difficulty in breathing. In many people, the cold and cough begins dry and then evolves into a series of sneezes and coughs that hampers breathing. Some people might also face more symptoms which include:

·        Fever

·        Chills

·        Repeated shaking with chills

·        Muscle pain

·        Headache

·        Sore throat

·        New loss of taste or smell


People facing any of these or a combination of these symptoms must seek medical assistance. The doctors are most likely to suggest a treatment at home.

Those with underlying health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, immunosuppression, cancer, lung disease or kidney disease are more at risk for complications from the virus. Adults over the age of 60 are also at higher risk.

When to get admitted?

People with pre-Covid health issues are at a greater risk. Also, even when in isolation at home and under treatment, the symptoms might advance at getting admitted into the hospital is then a must.

Look out for the following to know when to get admitted into the hospital:

·        Difficulty breathing

·        A persistent pain or pressure in your chest

·        Bluish lips or face

·        High fever

·        Unconsciousness


However, it is best advised to seek medical care even if you feel ill or unusual. The virus is affecting different people in a different way. If you have any health issues prior to being Corona-positive, it is best advised to be under constant medical supervision. People above the age of 45 must take extra precautions and must not think twice before getting admitted in the hospital. If symptoms worsen and the condition deteriorates before getting admitted into the hospital, it would be very challenging for medical experts to regain your good health.



Seek immediate medical assistance if you feel your condition is deteriorating. Our doctors at CIMS are fully equipped and trained to provide expert health care to Covid patients. We have in-house CT-Scan and Path Lab to ensure our patients get all facilities under one roof. CIMS is the best Covid-centre in Bhopal, providing expert health care 24/7. 


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